Code: RD5
The RD5 plant is the Union of the best performances of the RD3 monophasic and versatility of RD2 Biphasic. It is a plant that, thanks to its characteristics, is very versatile and can be used in all areas of the mouth, for individual elements, for multiple elements and also for complete circular elements. Its special shape combined with the effectiveness of the coils EQF system makes the system suitable for use even in cases of post-extractive implantology. The thread geometry ensures good vascularization makes osseointegration rapid and lasting. The voltage discharges along the thread, and vary in length and diameter function, make the plant in the insertion easier and in many cases without the need for tapping. The collar is composed of two semi-glossy spheres which act as a seal of the implant cavity, by transmucosal and the top seal is present a 2.7 mm hex making versatile the biphasic system in each situation prosthetic.